A Turkish village in Belgium: Faymonville
At the town square of this little village, on a large flag pole, alongside Belgian and Valonia flags, Turkish flag is flying. However nobody in this village speaks Turkish or has Turkish heritage.
The Faymoville village which is situated in the mountainous region of Arden, near Liege, has approximately 100 residents.
At the town square, the library windows has Turkish flags and there is a marble monument at the front in which the crescent and star of Turkish flag are carved.
According to the legend, when the Catholic Church was collecting tax from European countries in 16th century to fight Ottomans, the residents of Faymonville refused to contribute and therefore were named as the “friends of Turks and enemies of the Christian world”
Another legend states that the villagers were called “Turks” as they refused to take part in the crusades and in further annoying the prince of Lierse, they removed the church bells and imitated adhan.
Their reputation also helped the villagers. During the German invasion in WWII, the Nazi army looted entire Belgium however did not touch Faymonville due to the traditional Turkish flags they used all around their village.
The official crest of the village soccer club “Turkania” is also the Turkish flag. The fans wave Turkish flags during matches.
Every year in February, Faymonville villagers march playing Ottoman Janissary Band music led by cavalry carrying Turkish flags in their traditional parade.